Monday, 16 May 2011

Brand-Rex Universal Fire Survival Optical Fibre Cable

MCL Data Solutions have taken stock of Brand-Rex Optical Fiber Cable - Unitube Fire Survival Cable OM1 8 Fibre Red Jacket. MCL Data Solutions can supply custom required lengths of this cable. 

In today’s business environment the secure backup of business critical systems in the event of an emergency is a pre-requisite.The UFS 01 Fire Survival cable is used in areas where critical data transmission must continue when the building or structure in which it is installed is on fire. For this reason its use in large public buildings such as datacentres, airports, railway stations, stadia and onshore/ offshore industrial structures is becoming increasingly common. The use of the cable in building management, fire and security systems means that these vital systems will remain functional in the event of a real life incident which requires an emergency evacuation. 

The UFS 01 Fire Survival Cable has been designed to meet the requirements of IEC 60794 and exceed the requirements of IEC 60331 Part 25. The IEC 60331 Fire Test, commonly known as the Fire Survival Test, was developed for electric cables, but Part 25, issued in 1999, covers optical cables. The minimum flame temperature is 750°C, with a recommended flame application time of 90 minutes, plus 15 minutes cooling time. While the specification does not detail an acceptance criteria, aside from maintaining circuit integrity, Brand-Rex has adopted a pass criteria of no more than 1.5dB increase in attenuation under test conditions. The BSEN 50200:2000 Class PH120 test subjects the sample cable to higher temparature (830°C), additional mechanical shock and water spray during the ‘flame on’ period. This enhanced requirement simulates a real life situation with fire containment systems in operation and potential impacts from falling debris. Further demonstrating the extended fire survival performance, Brand-Rex have tested to BS8434-2. This tests the cable at a temperature of 930°C for 120minutes, inclusive of the mechanical shock and water spray from BSEN50200, proving that the UFS01 fire survival cable can meet the most stringent of tests.


Crush (N): 2500

Impact (Nm): 30
Torsion (turns / m): 1
Acid Gas Emissions: Pass
Smoke Index: Pass
Temp - Operation: -40°C to +70°C
Temp - Storage: -40°C to +70°C
Temp - Installation:
-10°C to +70°C
Fire: (IEC 60331-25)
Pass (90 mins @ 750°C), (BSEN50200 -2000), Pass PH120, BS , IEC 60332-3-24 Pass, IEC 60332-1-2 Pass

To order or chat to one of our Brand Rex cable specialist about your requirements..

SalesTel:01702 443810  www:

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