Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Greener Brand-Rex cables

Brand-Rex zone and Fibre cable have a lower Carbon footprint compared to traditional Datacentre cabling.

10GPlus Zone Cable

Brand-Rex zone cable typically has a 25% less product Carbon footprint compared to traditional Datacentre cabling. Coupled with improved cabling density and reduced dimensions, this improves the airflow around the cabling and racks, helping to improve cooling and reduce energy consumption.
A drawing of our 10GPlus Zone Cable

Reduced diameter fibre cables

Not only does our next generation of fibre cable improve the density of fibre within an installation, these cables have an average reduction of 21% in the product Carbon emissions.
A drawing of our Blolite Cable

Product Packaging

305m box improvements

Using modern, non-bleached Cardboard, a 13% reduction in the Carbon footprint of a box has been achieved. The cardboard has an improved packing density, to help reduce transportation.

Optimising reels

By moving from an 18” diameter reel to a 16” reel, we have improved the packing on a pallet. Instead of the 6 reels, we can now double this to 12 per pallet. This will allow more products per delivery and reduce the number of HGV journeys and associated Carbon emissions required to deliver our products.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Buy now Cisco Switches online from MCL Data Solutions.

MCL Data Solutions have now added Cisco switches and modules to their online store range.

To help our customer select the correct switch, MCL Data Solutions have create a simple and easy form. This will enable our Cisco experts to guide you the perfect solutions to your networking switching requirements. Cisco switch configurator.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Buy now Uninterruptible power supplies from Riello online.

Riello Desktop and Floor Standing Uninterruptible Power Supplies

Riello UPS has skilfully combined innovation with Italian design to create compact and modern systems for smaller or more confined installations that offer exceptional load protection without taking up valuable space.

Uninterruptible power supplies and ups products from Riello UPS, the leading power protection systems manufacturer in Europe.



350-800VA - Uninterruptible power supplies for the protection of PCs, Electronic-point-of-sale (EpoS)
terminals, workstations, domestic appliances, home offices and small servers. To keep your systems running during a mains power supply failure and provide a range of protection and solutions to everyday power problems.

Premium Pro UPS from Riello UPS
500-2000VA - Network-sized uninterruptible power supplies to keep your networks running during a partial or complete mains power supply failure. Protect an entire network or server with a Riello UPS.


Server Rooms
1500VA-10kVA - Power protection for server rooms requiring a centralised uninterruptible power supply or distributed power protection systems for server racks.

Multi Plus MLM/MLT

10kVA-20kVA - uninterruptible power supplies for Server farms and Small Data Centres requiring power protection of mission critical servers and telecommunications devices.

Dialog Dual 330-10000
500VA-10kVA - rack mount versions of our uninterruptible power supply ranges from 1U high.

Monday, 27 June 2011

MCL Data Solutions are now offering the range of Brand-Rex products online.

Brand-Rex, the UK’s market leader in the manufacturing and supply of high performance copper and fibre cabling systems for communication systems.

Brand-Rex offers a full range of Category 5e, 6 and 6A copper solutions for the enterprise as well as a market leading suite of copper solutions designed specifically for data centre applications.
Focusing on cable management in high density environments, the innovative range includes high density patching solutions, such as the High Density Cabling cabinet and the 24 port angled patch panel that naturally directs the patch cords to the sides of the patching frame – negating the need for horizontal cable management.

The innovative data centre offering also incorporates the ground breaking and space-saving Brand-Rex designed 10GPlus Zone Cable which represents the market’s smallest diameter Category 6A/Class EA cable.
The high performance Augmented Category 6 Zone Cable is fully certified by 3P Third Party Testing. Similar in diameter to a Category 5e cable it is 30 per cent lighter and 50 per cent smaller than standard Category 6A cables

Brand-Rex GigaPlus – This Cat5e cabling solution is designed to meet the specifications for Gigabit transmission as a minimum. These are high quality components and cables that provide one of the best solutions on the market.

Brand-Rex Cat6Plus – A high performance, high quality, Cat6 solution available in either shielded or unshielded versions. These products provide extra bandwidth that may be required for current networks.

If you would like to find out more about the Brand-Rex product range you can visit our website.

Fibre Optic Cabling Solutions
As networks require more bandwidth, it will be necessary to deploy fibre optic cabling, within the backbone of the cabling infrastructure to meet these requirements. We suggest you use only the best components and cables from MCL Data Solutions and Brand-Rex ensures that your system will deliver the performance required by your network equipment.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


With cabling such a small proportion of the overall cost of a network, it is surprising that some end users are prepared to risk downtime by having low cost products and systems installed.

Eddie McGinley, Product Manager at Brand-Rex examines why cutting corners on quality can prove to be a false economy and explains why premium products provide peace of mind.. More on this story

Monday, 20 June 2011

Poll for Railtex 2011

Just a quick poll to find how many people attended Railtex 2011.

If you did attended, but missed our stand. You may want to see our website for info on LUL fibre optic rail enclosures.


Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Brand-Rex data cable solution now available at Morrisons

Morrisons will use high-speed copper and fibre from Brand-Rex to support the expansion of its data centre in Bradford. The structured cabling system will be designed and installed by Express Data. It will support around 420 Morrisons' stores and is expected to improve service for the nine million customers who pass through its doors each week.

The company will use Brand-Rex's 10GPlus system combined with a Blolite backbone. The vendor says that this will enable migration to 40 or even 100 Gigabit Ethernet standards in the future. The upgraded infrastructure is designed to augment Morrisons' existing data centre and disaster recovery services, and has been planned with optimum performance and minimum environmental impact in mind.
"Using copper and fibre high density solutions, Express Data is able to deliver an ergonomic solution that reduces floor space requirements while managing a high volume of optical connectivity leading to significant cost savings," says Kevin Forrest, director at installers Express Data.  [Orginal artical from Networking+]

For more advice on Brand Rex products call 01702 443810

Thursday, 26 May 2011

How the cold makes things shrink! Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies for Space Flight: Shrinkage

Materials Being Used: Fluoropolymer materials such as Teflon® (TFE, FEP, PFA) and crosslinked Tefzel® (ETFE) successfully applied in electrical cabling, have been similarly applied in optical cable designs as buffers and jackets. These materials are rated for high and low temperatures required for space flight application and meet standard outgassing requirements. In most mulitmode cable the buffer (loose or tight) and outer jacket are both fluoropolymers however Hytrel and Kynar can also be used. Regardless of the tradename, fluoropolymer materials have shrinkage problems. Kynar, a somewhat stiffer alternative to Tefzel, also shrinks. Vendors claim that the method of extrusion used in buffer and jacket manufacture can leave stresses in the material that only relax at elevated temperatures. There are also other extrusion process techniques which can eliminate some of the tendency to shrink. It is important to note that this shrinkage behavior is not driven by the material’s CTE.

Effect of Shrinking Cable Components: This shrinkage problem has been reported by flight cable users including McDonnell Douglas (for Space Station), NASA Goddard, and Lockheed-Martin. This property of fluoropolymers has no effect on electrical cable performance but will directly affect signal attenuation in an optical cable. For the cable to accommodate the shrunken ETFE jacket, the fiber is forced to bend repeatedly inside the cable. These microbend cause the attenuation increase. In single mode applications that use tight buffers, the shrinkage problem could have a much greater impact on optical performance in the form of higher losses or a shift in polarization state if the application demands birefringent fiber. Jacket shrink data taken at GSFC showed that all of the cable components (the buffer, strength members and the jacket) shrank together and the coated fiber remained its original length. It has not been shown whether the cable components all shrank equally or whether the shrinking of the jacket pulled the other cable components back with it. The optical effect is the same in either case.

Collected Data: Evaluations by the users named above have shown that thermal cycling with temperature excursions between -45°C and 85°C (and wider ranges) will cause an ETFE jacket to shrink between 0.4% and 1.5% for cable lengths 10 feet and above. Loss was found to increase by a factor of 2 and 3 for shrinks of 0.6% and 3.6% respectively. No additional effect was found due to exposure to vacuum conditions. The shrinking tended to flatten out after about 50 cycles.

Preconditioning Procedure: Thermal conditioning procedures are now being used by McDonnell Douglas and Lockheed-Martin to force as much shrinking as possible before the cable is terminated. The following procedure has been found to be effective for "empty" cable: a 6 cycle exposure to temperature extremes of 140°C and minus 30° with heat transfer transient times of 50 and 40 minutes respectively. Meaning there should be 40 to 50 minutes to allow the fixtures to reach the temperature of the thermal chamber. Dwell times (at temperature extremes) need be no longer than 1 minute since the length of time spent at the steady state temperature extremes does not affect the shrinkage mechanism of the cable materials. Although the ramp rate does not affect the shrinkage, what has been used was 5°C/minute due to constraints of the thermal chamber. However, the goal is to precondition and not temperature shock the materials. As a reference in the EIA-455-3 (test procedure to measure temperature cycling effects on optical fiber, optical cable, and other passive fiber optic components) it is specified for cable containing optical fiber that the ramp rate be at maximum 40°C/hour. The preconditioning procedure described here is for cable without the fiber inserted.

Kynar has a lower temperature rating than that of Teflon which may make this procedure less effective for cables with a Kynar buffer. Kynar’s melting point is around 182°C while Teflon’s limit is 343°C. A procedure has not been identified for cable which includes the fiber and it should be noted that the coatings being recommended for flight grade fiber will not withstand exposure to 140°C. An evaluation is being designed at GSFC which will include more investigation into cable component shrinkage and suitable preconditioning procedures. The best solution remains having the manufacturer precondition the materials before the fiber is included in the cable

Orginal article by 

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Where is Fibre Optic Cable used

Fibre optic cables find many uses in a wide variety of industries and applications. Some uses of fibre optic cables include:
  • Medical
    Used as light guides, imaging tools and also as lasers for surgeries
  • Defense/Government
    Used as hydrophones for seismic and SONAR uses, as wiring in aircraft, submarines and other vehicles and also for field networking
  • Data Storage
    Used for data transmission
  • Telecommunications
    Fiber is laid and used for transmitting and receiving purposes
  • Networking
    Used to connect users and servers in a variety of network settings and help increase the speed and accuracy of data transmission
  • Industrial/Commercial
    Used for imaging in hard to reach areas, as wiring where EMI is an issue, as sensory devices to make temperature, pressure and other measurements, and as wiring in automobiles and in industrial settings
  • Broadcast/CATV
    Broadcast/cable companies are using fiber optic cables for wiring CATV, HDTV, internet, video on-demand and other applications
Fibre optic cables are used for lighting and imaging and as sensors to measure and monitor a vast array of variables. Fiber optic cables are also used in research and development and testing across all the above mentioned industries.

See how we can help with your fibre optical need.


Monday, 16 May 2011

Brand-Rex Universal Fire Survival Optical Fibre Cable

MCL Data Solutions have taken stock of Brand-Rex Optical Fiber Cable - Unitube Fire Survival Cable OM1 8 Fibre Red Jacket. MCL Data Solutions can supply custom required lengths of this cable. 

In today’s business environment the secure backup of business critical systems in the event of an emergency is a pre-requisite.The UFS 01 Fire Survival cable is used in areas where critical data transmission must continue when the building or structure in which it is installed is on fire. For this reason its use in large public buildings such as datacentres, airports, railway stations, stadia and onshore/ offshore industrial structures is becoming increasingly common. The use of the cable in building management, fire and security systems means that these vital systems will remain functional in the event of a real life incident which requires an emergency evacuation. 

The UFS 01 Fire Survival Cable has been designed to meet the requirements of IEC 60794 and exceed the requirements of IEC 60331 Part 25. The IEC 60331 Fire Test, commonly known as the Fire Survival Test, was developed for electric cables, but Part 25, issued in 1999, covers optical cables. The minimum flame temperature is 750°C, with a recommended flame application time of 90 minutes, plus 15 minutes cooling time. While the specification does not detail an acceptance criteria, aside from maintaining circuit integrity, Brand-Rex has adopted a pass criteria of no more than 1.5dB increase in attenuation under test conditions. The BSEN 50200:2000 Class PH120 test subjects the sample cable to higher temparature (830°C), additional mechanical shock and water spray during the ‘flame on’ period. This enhanced requirement simulates a real life situation with fire containment systems in operation and potential impacts from falling debris. Further demonstrating the extended fire survival performance, Brand-Rex have tested to BS8434-2. This tests the cable at a temperature of 930°C for 120minutes, inclusive of the mechanical shock and water spray from BSEN50200, proving that the UFS01 fire survival cable can meet the most stringent of tests.


Crush (N): 2500

Impact (Nm): 30
Torsion (turns / m): 1
Acid Gas Emissions: Pass
Smoke Index: Pass
Temp - Operation: -40°C to +70°C
Temp - Storage: -40°C to +70°C
Temp - Installation:
-10°C to +70°C
Fire: (IEC 60331-25)
Pass (90 mins @ 750°C), (BSEN50200 -2000), Pass PH120, BS , IEC 60332-3-24 Pass, IEC 60332-1-2 Pass

To order or chat to one of our Brand Rex cable specialist about your requirements..

SalesTel:01702 443810  www: http://www.mcldatasolutions.co.uk

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Railtex 14-16 June 2011 - Join Mainframe Communications Ltd on Stand F15

Mainframe will be at the UK's leading rail event covering railway equipment, systems and services. Join us on stand 15. Visitor registration is now open, register today for FREE (saving £15 on the door) via www.railtex.co.uk

Mainframe Communications with displaying TÜV and LUL approved Optical fibre products.

We have developed a range of Optical fibre products suitable for the Rail and Metro environments.

These include IP and Fire-rated ODFs, Splice Enclosures, tap boxes, Brand Rex Optical fibre cable etc. with LUL approval.

Products can be supplied from our standard range or can be supplied as bespoke units to suit the customer’s requirements.

For futher details:

Sale Tel:01702 443810

Mainframe Communications with displaying TÜV and LUL approved Optical fibre products.

We have developed a range of Optical fibre products suitable for the Rail and Metro environments.

These include IP and Fire-rated ODFs, Splice Enclosures, tap boxes, Brand Rex Optical fibre cable etc. with LUL approval.

Products can be supplied from our standard range or can be supplied as bespoke units to suit the customer’s requirements.

For futher details:

Sale Tel:01702 443810

www: Railway and trackside products

Brand-Rex Voted Manufacturer of the Year 2011
Brand-Rex has been awarded Manufacturer of the Year 2011 at The COMMS EXPO industry award was voted for by readers of Netcomms Europe magazine from a shortlist of eight reader-nominated manufacturing companies. The presentation of the Manufacturer of the Year 2011 award to Brand-Rex will take place as part of the COMMS EXPO Network and Data Communication Conference and Exhibition on the evening of the 28th June 2011 at the Barbican Centre.
On winning the Manufacturer of the Year 2011 award, Alistair Black, Operations Director at Brand-Rex said, “We are delighted to receive this award, nominated and voted for by the readers of Netcomms Europe. It is some of the most generous feedback that we can get from our customers and validates all our hard work in providing products and services of the highest quality. It is also testament to the commitment and dedication of both the Brand-Rex staff and our loyal and supportive channel partners.”
2010 was a very successful year for Brand-Rex with many high profile projects, including the next generation of Royal Navy Aircraft Carriers, multiple 2012 Olympic venues, the London Crossrail route, the Silverstone F1 racing circuit and Telecity France’s award winning energy efficient Parisian data centre. This was another year of growth, with increased market share, that saw Brand-Rex firmly retain its position in the UK as the number one designer and manufacturer of structured cabling systems for data networks, delivering world-class solutions and service. Exciting new products included enhancements to the Brand-Rex Augmented Category 6 shielded range including the introduction of a shielded jack. Specifically designed for higher levels of flexibility and performance, this is proving to be a product of choice for data centres and high density network installations.
“We are pleased to present this award to Brand-Rex,” says Ian Titchener, Publishing Director, Netcomms Europe . “It demonstrates the regard in which our readers value Brand-Rex, its products and commitment to excellence in manufacturing, service and delivery.”
Netcomms Europe magazine is read by more than 30,000 network infrastructure professionals throughout Europe, who buy and use networking hardware, software and related services. The COMMS EXPO industry awards were launched to recognise the products, services and companies that have particularly impressed readers of the magazine in conjunction with the new international infrastructure conference and exhibition COMMS EXPO that will be held this year on June 28th -29th at the Barbican Centre, London.

Monday, 9 May 2011

NextGenUs launches FTTH broadband programme

Community broadband operator NextGenUs UK CIC has launched the 'Beyond Infinity' programme to drive broadband delivery in the UK. It has secured an additional £10 million of private investment to enable dynamic local communities in partnership with industry, led by Fujikra-owned AFL Telecommunications. The aim is to deliver FTTH across the UK. CEO Guy Jarvis said this £10 million investment phase wold benefit up to 10,000 homes and businesses.

Should they or any of their installer requires parts, we can supply.

Brand Rex Fire Survival Fibre Optic Cable - EF062UNI8LSTALUFS RD

MCL Data Solution have got  stock of Brand Rex Fire Survival Cable - EF062UNI8LSTALUFS RD.

The UFS 01 Fire Survival Cable has been designed to meet the requirements of IEC 60794 and exceed the requirements of IEC 60331 Part 25.The IEC 60331 Fire Test, commonly known as the Fire Survival Test, was developed for electric cables, but Part 25, issued in 1999, covers optical cables. The minimum flame temperature is 750°C, with a recommended flame application time of 90 minutes, plus 15 minutes cooling time. While the specification does not detail an acceptance criteria, aside from maintaining circuit integrity, Brand-Rex has adopted a pass criteria of no more than 1.5dB increase in attenuation under test conditions. The BSEN 50200:2000 Class PH120 test subjects the sample cable to higher temparature (830°C), additional mechanical shock and water spray during the ‘flame on’ period. This enhanced requirement simulates a real life situation with fire containment systems in operation and potential impacts from falling debris. Further demonstrating the extended fire survival performance, Brand-Rex have tested to BS8434-2 This tests the cable at a temperature of 930°C for 120minutes, inclusive of the mechanical shock and water spray from BSEN50200, proving that the UFS01 fire survival cable can meet the most stringent of tests. 

Unitube Universal Fire Survival Fibre Optical Cable pricing. Contact us on 01702 443810. 

UFS 01 Fire Survival Cable Data Sheet

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Begin of a new era.

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